Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yarn bombed!

I was out for sushi dinner with friends on Sunday night and spotted this:

A yarn bomb!

There's been a movement in my hometown over the past few months to decorate a downtown street with yarn. The idea is to brighten up a sterile city space and make the landscape a little more friendly and colourful. I loved this tree so much that I made a special trip on my lunch break today to take a picture of it for my Project 365.

And how is Project 365 going, you ask? Well, it's been going swimmingly so far. I've been pretty obsessed with my camera over the past few days and have been trying to mentally document all of the pictures I can take over the next year. The real challenge will be to keep things going when my enthusiasm wanes three months down the road.

If you're interested, check out my 365 progress on Flickr!

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